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Behavioral repertoire of the poorly known Red-legged Seriema, Cariama cristata (Cariamiformes: Cariamidae)

Aline Nara Silva, Rhewter Nunes, Dieferson da Costa Estrela, Guilherme Malafaia, André Luis da Silva Castro


he Red-legged Seriema (Cariama cristata) is a typical bird of the Cerrado biome and widely distributed in Brazil. Despite the absence of population studies and information regarding its biology, the species is considered non-threatened. The present study describes behaviors of C. cristata observed in natural areas of the Brazilian Cerrado in the state of Goiás. Seventeen individuals, belonging to five family groups, were observed for a total of 110 h. Overall, 41 behaviors were described and grouped into the following categories: resting, locomotion, ingest/excretory, comfort/maintenance, social behavior, vocalization and reproduction. The description of behaviors performed by C. cristata provides a valuable foundation for further behavioral and management studies on the species. 

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