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A new southern limit for the distribution of the Thrush-Like Wren, Campylorhynchus turdinus (Aves: Troglodytidae)

Dilson Vargas-Peixoto, Mariane Bosholn


We report the first record of the Thrush-like Wren Campylorhynchus turdinus (Wied, 1831) in the Rio Grande do Sul state, at the city of Santa Maria, Brazil. The record, in which the individual vocalized and changed its perch constantly, was held on April 2015. We extend the known distribution range of the C. turdinus, and establish a new southern limit for its geographic distribution, approximately 460 km from the previous record in Paraná. For the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Helmut Sick reported the presence of the C. turdinus in 1972. However, the occurrence was considered hypothetical because did not agree with its distribution pattern. Therefore, our record of C. turdinus for the state of Rio Grande do Sul update the list for this state.

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