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First record of the White-chinned Swift Cypseloides cryptus in the state of Acre, Brazil, with notes on its breeding biology

Renata Neves Biancalana, Agimiro Magalhães


We report the first photographic record of the White-chinned Swift Cypseloides cryptus breeding in the state of Acre in Brazil and include notes on breeding biology for this species. Four nests were found during the 2015 breeding season in waterfalls of the Serra do Divisor National Park. Egg laying started in early January, during the late rainy season, followed by an interval of one month between a second attempt, when three eggs were found in early April. Nests were cup shaped, made of mud, interwoven rootlets and bryophytes and constantly exposed to mist and dripping water. Nestlings were monitored from hatching in early May, to fledging in late June/early July. Our findings document the White-chinned Swift as a breeding resident in the region. 

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