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New records and probable migration routes of the Sora Porzana carolina (Aves: Rallidae) in Peru

Luis Martin Vallejos, Irwing Saldaña, Elio Nuñez, Antonio Garcia-Bravo, Maurício Brandão Vecchi


The Sora Porzana carolina is the most abundant rail of North America, and historical records (1877–1994) indicate Peru as the southern limit of its wintering (October–May) range. Here, we present data from three consecutive austral summers (February/2014 to March/2016) recording this species on wetlands in North Peru, which fill a geographic gap of approximately 1,000 km between Tumbes and Lima Regions. Based on our records and secondary sources for South America, we indicate that Sora probably follows two parallel migration routes in Western South America: the Pacific Coast and the Andean routes. Another recent study recorded Sora on Cusco province, which suggests that Peruvian Andes wetlands may currently be becoming more important as non-breeding sites for Neartic migrant waterbirds. Unlike the sites of historical records of Sora in Peru, the wetlands on which this rail was recently recorded have no legal protection, deserving management policies and continued monitoring.

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