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Enhancing our knowledge on the Ornate Hawk-Eagle (Spizaetus ornatus) through community-based monitoring records from Tropical Mexico

Rubén Ortega-Álvarez, Esteban Berrones Benítez, Israel Medina Mena, Leonel Valdez Cano, Leonel Bautista Bautista, Martha López-Hernández, Rafael Calderón-Parra


The Ornate Hawk-Eagle Spizaetus ornatus is a rare Neotropical raptor. In Mexico its distribution is irregular, its biology is poorly known, and it is considered to be threatened by extinction. We provide novel and supplementary information, resulting from community-based bird monitoring projects, on the natural history of the species from different regions of Mexico. We characterize the location of several nests of the species, describe a new altitudinal record for its presence and breeding range, and add information about its breeding habits and prey consumption. Anthropogenic disturbances that negatively affect the Ornate Hawk-Eagle mainly include land use change and hunting. Local and regional information on the species is essential to have a broad understanding of its biology and to improve the implementation of conservation strategies. Promoting community-based monitoring projects could enhance research capabilities and conservation efforts on this and other cryptic species of conservation concern.

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