Vol 24 (2016)

Brazilian Journal of Ornithology 24(4)

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Table of Contents


Black-collared Hawk Busarellus nigricollis in French Guiana: distribution, population size and breeding biology PDF
Johan Ingels, Agathe Chassagneux, Vincent Pelletier, Vincent Rufray 293-299
Effects of pairing Thamnophilus ambiguus males with females on the behavioral responses by males to playback PDF
Ravel Zorzal, Charles Duca 300-302


Small territory sizes and high densities of insectivorous birds in an Atlantic Forest secondary fragment, Brazil PDF
Romulo Ribon, Miguel Ângelo Marini 303-313
Waterbirds in a floodplain: influence of spatial and environmental factors through time PDF
Bia de Arruda Almeida, Camila Barbosa Silva, Márcio Rodrigo Gimenes, Luiz dos Anjos 314-322
Breeding biology of the Atlantic Least Tern (Sternula antillarum antillarum) in a colony of the south of the Gulf of Mexico: new perspectives for its threat status PDF
Cesar Gonzalez-Zuarth, Adriana Vallarino, Alfonso Vázquez-Botello 323-328
Year-round presence of Slaty Thrush (Turdus nigriceps nigriceps) in mountains of central Argentina PDF
David Lautaro Vergara-Tabares, Tobías Nicolás Rojas 329-334

Natural History

The juvenile plumage of Quebracho Crested-Tinamou Eudromia formosa (Aves: Tinamidae) PDF
Paul Smith, Kimball L. Garrett 335-337
Nest and nestling development of the Sooty-capped Hermit (Phaethornis augusti) from Venezuela PDF
Carlos Verea 338-343
Biometrics and body masses of some birds of prey of Argentina PDF
Rodrigo Aráoz, Diego Ortiz, Patricia Capllonch 344-348
First description of the nest and notes on parental care of Oustalet's Tyrannulet, Phylloscartes oustaleti (Passeriformes: Tyrannidae) PDF
Luiz Pedreira Gonzaga, Charles Ozanick, Vítor Piacentini, Carlos Carvalho 349-353
Mouth troubles: possible outcomes for three bird species with deformed bills PDF
Ivan Sazima, Juliana Vaz Hipolito, Giulia B. D'Angelo 354-357

Systematics, Taxonomy, and Distribution

Systematic review of the Cinnamon-throated Woodcreeper Dendrexetastes rufigula (Aves: Dendrocolaptidae) based on a multilocus phylogeography PDF
Gilmax Gonçalves Ferreira, Alexandre Aleixo, Sofia Marques Silva 358-369
First record of Anous minutus in the state of Amapá, Brazil PDF
Pedro Ferreira França, Jackson Cleiton Sousa, Juliana Gonçalves Corrêa, Carlos Eduardo Costa Campos 370-371

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